Pop-Up Mango
The Michigan Avenue Neighborhood Greenway (MANGo) is a neighborhood street in Santa Monica that was improved to be more friendly for biking and walking, while slowing down cut-through traffic from a nearby freeway.
We worked with cultural event producers Community Arts Resources, urban designers Meléndrez, and the City of Santa Monica to create a street festival where neighbors came out to give feedback on five temporary street demonstrations—chicanes, a traffic circle, a mini-park, a traffic diverter, a pocket park, and signage. Residents visited the different stations, learned about these street treatments, and gave feedback on what they thought would work or not on their street. The event was also an opportunity for people to meet their neighbors, enjoy family friendly activities, and a day without cars on their street.

We developed branding and outreach materials for the event, as well as signage and a passport event program that gave residents more information about the street treatments and allowed them to have the passport “stamped” at each station, as they learned about the different demonstrations. (Residents who had each page of their passport stamped received a ticket for free food from a food truck at the event).